Flowers From Home

Tell us about what you do.
I'm an artist focusing on paper-cut and more recently, installation works.
Share with us your thought-process behind the window design.
I have always been working closely with botanical forms, and was excited to do the window display while being able to look at flowers for reference.
Why did you choose to pursue a creative career?
I had enough encouragement to keep moving forward with a creative career; I was certain of my ambition when I was a teenager and was able to embark on it.
How can we best support local creatives?
To work locally, support local businesses, be open to new ideas.
What projects are you currently working on that you’d like to share with us?
My solo exhibition "Gentle Daylight" is opening at Mizuma Gallery on the 22nd Aug and runs till 13th Sept!
I am also involved in another group exhibition "Time Passes" at the National Gallery that opens in September.

Click here to check out more of Ashley's work.